Beyond Earth: Possibilities for Food in Space

Beyond Earth: Possibilities for Food in Space

Kevin Meza Achahue, Scientist - R&D Specialist at Bifidice. 3 minutes reading.

Despite the great difficulty, there is a growing interest among scientists and space agencies in developing sustainable and nutritious food options for astronauts on long-duration missions. What are these technologies, and how could they contribute to the development of terrestrial agriculture?

Space Food Technology

To date, there are already several very interesting technological developments that could be tested in the coming years. To plan long-duration space missions, there is increasing emphasis on the development of food production technologies that can withstand extreme conditions such as poor soils, lack of gravity, and radiation. Agencies like the United States Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service (USDA) [1] and NASA's Space Food Systems Laboratory [2] are the primary drivers of research in space food.

Many of these developments are already yielding products and companies that are currently being marketed or are in the process of development.

Among the most important developments, genetic engineering stands out, as well as digital agriculture, which involves the use of technologies to optimize and automate the planting and harvesting of food. Additionally, 3D bioprinting and cultivated meat production [3] are noteworthy. Interestingly, many of these developments are already yielding products and companies that are currently being marketed or are in the process of development, potentially revolutionizing food production as we know it. But there is more.

Other Examples

In addition to the ones mentioned already, other solutions are being implemented. For instance, the Space Food Research Facility produces thermally stabilized foods in pouches, similar to ready-to-eat military meals (MREs), but developed to meet the nutritional needs of astronauts during space flights [2].

There is a growing interest in the development of freeze-dried foods and packaged products.

NASA is developing a plant production system known as Veggie, a space garden located in the International Space Station. Veggie's purpose is to assist NASA in studying plant growth in microgravity while providing fresh food to astronauts and enhancing their happiness and well-being in the orbital laboratory [4][5].

Last but certainly not least, there is a growing interest in the development of freeze-dried foods and packaged products. The Space Food Systems Laboratory produces freeze-dried foods and packages powdered drinks, cookies, candies, and other dry products available on the market that astronauts choose for their menus [2].

What is the benefit for people on Earth?

Although it may not seem like it, a significant portion of the developments made for or during space travel are often used in our daily lives. Some classic examples include computer mice, memory foam, baby formulas, and also food safety standards like HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) [6][7].

In the case of food production for astronauts, the benefits could be linked to the creation of products that ensure better nutrition, the development of new and more comprehensive food safety standards, and the use or widespread adoption of food preservation technologies [8]. 

NASA has invested a significant amount of resources to apply this technology (lyophilization) to its ingredients

One of the most interesting technologies, as previously introduced, is lyophilization. While it wasn't a technology developed for space travel, NASA has invested a significant amount of resources to apply this technology to its ingredients. This technique has allowed, among other things, the stabilization of probiotic microorganisms. But how feasible is the incorporation of probiotics in space travel? That's a topic for the next blog!



[1] U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. Growing Food in Space: The Final Frontier. 

[2] Lewis R. (2023), Space Food Systems, NASA

[3] Shaw, R., & Soma, T. (2022). To the farm, Mars, and beyond: Technologies for growing food in space, the future of long-duration space missions, and earth implications in English news media coverage. Frontiers in Communication, 7, 1007567. 

[4] Growing Plants in Space, NASA 

[5] Dsouza A. (2022), Space Agriculture Boldly Grows Food Where No One Has Grown Before, University of Guelph 

[6] McFadden C. (2023). 15+ Space Age Inventions and Technologies We Use Everyday. Interesting Engineering

[7] US Food & Drug Administration, (2022), Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) 

[8] Human Spaceflight Technology Directorate - Humans in Space. Food in Space.

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